Invented by AI

AI created this game

The concept for this game was generated by AI, specifically ChatGPT. The game mechanics and game name were also created by AI.

Inspired by Wordle and its many spun-offs, as well as Sumplete, another game created by AI, I asked ChatGPT to invent a new game similar to Sudoku and the 24 game, both of which I enjoy playing.

This is what it came up with.

Me: Can you create a new game similar to Sudoku and the 24 game?

ChatGPT: Sure, here's another math game that's different from Sudoku and the 24 game:

"Divide and Conquer"
Divide and Conquer is a math game that requires players to use division to solve puzzles. The objective of the game is to divide the numbers in a grid into equal groups such that each group has the same sum.

Here's how to play:
The puzzle starts with a 5x5 grid of numbers.
The goal is to divide the numbers in the grid into five groups, with each group containing five numbers.
Each group must have the same sum.
Each number in the grid must be used exactly once.
The puzzle is solved when all numbers have been divided into the correct groups.

Here's an example puzzle to give you a better idea:

      16  24  18  15   8
    |                      |
    |  6   8   4   7   2   |
    |                      |
    |  9   5  11   6   1   |
    |                      |
    |  3   7   2   3  11   |
    |                      |
    |  2  10   1   5   3   |
    |                      |
    |  5   2   8   6   7   |
    |____________________  |


Group 1: 9 + 5 + 2 + 1 + 8 = 25
Group 2: 6 + 4 + 2 + 10 + 3 = 25
Group 3: 7 + 11 + 3 + 5 = 26
Group 4: 8 + 6 + 3 + 1 + 7 = 25
Group 5: 2 + 1 + 11 + 5 + 7 = 26

It was a cool concept, and I decided to have ChatGPT help me code the game mechanics in React.

As a sidenote, you might notice that there are errors in ChatGPT's example puzzle. The sum of the numbers in each column should be the same, but they are not: some add up to 25 and some to 26.

Coding the game

I then asked ChatGPT to code the game mechanics in React, and the code it outputted is in fact used on this site.

A simpler version

The original game created by ChatGPT involved a 5x5 grid. I tested this game with friends, and some found this a bit challenging to play, at least for a casual player.

Therefore, there are three daily versions, a 3x3 and 4x4, those who want to play a simpler version of the game, and the original 5x5 version.